Chartwell Estate Walk - 10/12/18

This is another fine National Trust estate and the former family home of Winston Churchill. This blog shows some of what I came across this day. I haven't photographed a Daisy for some time, so this photo was overdue. Bellis perennis Common Mouse-ear Cerastium fontanum Grasses can be attractive too. Here is the very common Cocksfoot. Dactylis glomerata A common flower in December is Yarrow. Achillea millefolium A surprise for December was finding Thyme-leaved Sandwort down by the lake. Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp serpyllifolia Black Swans were on the lake as they have been for many years. As were some cute white ducks. A common plant found mostly near habitation is Petty Spurge which also flowers all year around. Euphorbia peplus It was nice to see a couple of Meadowsweet still in flower around the lake though the flowers were lo...