A Week in Kent in Mid May 2023

It's been a while since I wrote a blog on Kent wild plants, but then I have moved to Cornwall. If you missed the transition, the blog for my Cornwall plants is at https://sylvatica2022.blogspot.com However, I still have family in Kent and I booked a few days on a farm at High Halstow on the Hoo Peninsular whilst I attended to family matters. Whilst there I had the run of the farm I stayed on and also took a trip out to the tidal Thames along paths through the marshes. Add in a few trips to the coast and mid Kent and I found some lovely plants. The following is what I found of interest. One of my trips out was to Littlestone on the South Kent coast where Rosy Garlic had naturalised in several places along the sea wall. Allium roseum Rough Dog's Tail Grass coming into flower at Littlestone Warren. Cynosurus echinatus Sea Sandwort flowering in sandy turf. Honckenya peploides One of the rarer medicks in the short coastal turf was Bur Medick, a very softly hairy sm...