Folkestone Downs and Mersham, Kent - 02/06/19
Most years of late I have made the pilgrimage to the best two known sites for Late spider Orchids, so I thought it would be nice to see them at a different site for a change. For reasons of security (for the plants) I can't name the site, but anyone could find these if they put in the leg work to go and look for them in likely locations. At this site between Ashford and Folkestone there was a steep slope where I thought they would be and I exhausted myself scaling it and then traversing the slope to find them. When I did find them they were near the base of the slope after all! I suppose the moral is to start a search at the bottom then work up rather than head for the best looking areaat the start. Here's a selection of the plants I found in flower from this site starting off with the stunning Late Spider Orchids. Most were less than 8" tall. This species is only found in East Kent in the UK though is apparently quite common in northern France. Orchid ...