Folkestone Area, Kent - 20/06/20
Having missed the Kent orchids in May due to lockdown restrictions, it was nice to get out and about in June to finally get to see some wild orchids (and other plants) up close. Folkestone is backed by the chalk hills of the North Downs which soon become the White Cliffs familiar to many. Here is a selection of the wildflowers I found this day. Early to mid June is the best time to see Common Spotted Orchids. Whilst still relatively common, I have already noticed them becoming scarcer in north Kent with two sites that held them gone within the last 5 years to house building which is ongoing on an industrial scale. Dactylorhiza fuchsii In the same area as the Common Spotted Orchids I found Chalk Fragrant and the hybrid between the two. For the long-winded scientific name, see the writing on the photo! Here is a close up photo of one of the hybrids. This swarm produces several hybrids types, some closer to Chalk Fragrant, others more like Common spotted. This one below...