Reculver, Kent - 09/07/18
With history back as far as the Romans, Reculver lies on the North Kent coast and is relatively unspoilt by development, as such, there' always something of interest to see here. Habitats range from small pockets of salt marsh, brackish dykes, cracked concrete and earth sea walls, grassed areas and a rural road verge, so there's plenty of interest here. Sea Mayweed can be found all along the coast, here it's growing on the edge of the main car park. Tripleurospermum maritimum Strawberry Cover (a Kent RPR species) is abundant here in large colonies. Trifolium fragifera Great Plantain is often overlooked when flowering as it lacks petals and is very common. Often trod on or driven over, it's a tough little plant. But look up close when flowering and you may see the delightful purple anthers. Plantago major subsp major Spiny Restharrow is also found here and is another Kent RPR ...