Rye Harbour NR East Sussex - 08/07/17
We have walked this reserve many times, but always from Rye Harbour. this time we approached from Winchelsea Beach to the West and did a few miles circular walk from that end. The area is similar to Dungeness, being predominantly shingle with thin turf inland. However, this area had a few more damp areas than Dungeness which made it interesting. Here's Yellow Horned Poppy on the beach at Winchelsea. Glaucium flavum Wild Teasel was out in force, with their bands of purple flowers around their spiny flower heads. Dipsacus fullonum Common Fleabane is a big showy flower that really is actually still common! Butterflies and bees like it a lot. Pulicaria dysenterica This is Sticky Groundsel which is full of glandular hairs that smell like gone off lemons. The flowers have rays unlike nearly all of the usual Groundsel. You can find both Sticky and Groundsel in the same areas, but only sticky is sticky and sme...