Allhallows, Kent - 19/08/18
This area comprises of mostly unimproved grassland with cattle grazing and saltwater influence from the nearby Thames estuary and the tidal inlet of Yantlet Creek. I didn't really know what I might find as the monads I was to visit had hardly any records, probably as to get to them was a lengthy walk. Stiff Salt Marsh Grass Puccinellia rupestris Here's a view of Southend from Allhallows marshes. The telephoto lens compresses the distance. There's about 3 miles of River Thames estuary between the grass sea wall and the buildings of Southend! It also shows the typical habitat of the area. I then found Ononis spinosa (Spiny Restharrow) and Trifolium fragifera (Strawberry Clover) both Kent RPR species, but as they featured in the last blog, I won't go into detail again. However, the Strawberry Clover was a big hit with Red Tailed Bumblebees. This one was rather faded! Bombus lapidariu...