Botanical Recording in Marden, Kent - 08/04/18
Marden is best known for its nature reserve containing thousands of Green - winged Orchids and the monad this is in is heavily recorded for plant records. However, as is often the case, the monads around and outside of the reserve had very few records. So I set about finding some to even things up a bit. Early Spring isn't the best time for high numbers of species, but I do find species that have disappeared by the time the warmer weather comes (sometimes called ephemerals). One such Ephemeral is the humble Common Whitlowgrass, which is in abundance during March, but has completely disappeared in Kent by May. Erophila verna s.s. Trees are always worth looking out for and their "flowers" make them easier to identify at this time of year. You will often find this tree next to (or in) water and this was by a wet water filled ditch. It is of course the Alder tree. This pho...