Pembury, Kent - 01/09/19
The first day of Autumn was of course wet and with many more wet days to come, the countryside turned Autumnal, almost overnight, to match. I was recording botany in a few monads around Pembury which is a small town north east of Tunbridge Wells. I didn't really know what I'd find, but a look at Google Earth satellite images beforehand led me to investigate an area of so called "waste ground" right next to a Tesco supermarket. Growing in a damp area was a Kent RPR species, Corn Mint. This was a good start. Mentha arvensis That wasn't the only surprise here, nearby was another rare plant, Heath Speedwell, it's habitat nicely maintained by local rabbits scuffing up the soil. Veronica officinalis Signs of Autumn were now common, even though Summer was just a day before! Here are the fruits of Honeysuckle. Lonicera periclymenum The first Earthball fungi had appeared in the damp places under trees. R...